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How to install TeamViewer on Linux CLI

Installing TeamViewer on Debian and Raspberry PI

On PC or Virtual Machine

sudo apt install ./teamviewer_amd64.deb

Complete the Team Viewer

teamviewer setup

On the PI


Install the deb file like we do on the Ubuntu.

sudo apt install ./teamviewer-host_armhf.deb

Let the process complete. Now there will be several unmet dependencies. Complete an update and wait until all the packages details are downloaded. Then upgrade all packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -f upgrade

Complete Teamviewer Setup

sudo teamviewer setup

If Teamviewer does not exist. Complete the install step above again.
Complete the configuration as per the image below.

Finally, you can run the teamviewer to verify its successful installation. Execute the following on terminal without root privileges:

When installing on the console or via ssh, the UI is not available to see the TeamViewer ID, set a password or to assign the device to your TeamViewer account. However, the same functionality is also available on the command line.

teamviewer help       # list all available commands
teamviewer info       # show TeamViewer ID
teamviewer passwd     # set password
teamviewer setup # assign device to account

If you assign a device to your account, you don’t need to set a password. Just follow the setup assistent and your done. The device will then show up in your Computers & Contacts.

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