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Credit Management Policy

The development and implementation of the following credit management policy will enable NewVo to maintain an acceptable level of credit risk for our company and help manage your expenditure on your telecommunication services.

Credit Assessments

Before the establishment of your account, your creditworthiness will first be determined through a credit assessment. Your account will only be created if you meet our credit approval criteria.

Invoice Access

NewVo allows you to view your invoices through our website. By visiting, you will be able to see the login to view your previous invoices. To stop unauthorised access, you will need a password to login to view your account.

Finance Decline

In the event that your finance is declined NewVo is not privy to the reason for decline. However, Newvo may still proceed with network components of the agreement. Should you wish to bring your network services back to your old provider once finance has been declined you will be liable for any charges involved with releasing your lines.

Payment Difficulties

NewVo has options available to you if you are experiencing difficulties in relation to paying your account. The options discussed with you will consider your individual circumstances and we will endeavour to determine a payment arrangement which suits both you and NewVo.

Credit Management Process*

Your payments can be seen on the invoices provided by NewVo. These payments must be made by at least the due date. If the payment is not made on time, you will receive your first friendly reminder through email within 7 days. The reminder will notify you about the amount overdue and the penalties of non-payment. Non-payment will typically involve monetary penalties or suspension/disconnection of lines.

Before the commencement of the credit management action, NewVo will ensure that we are communicating with the authorised account contact of your business and that information related to the suspension/disconnection of lines are clear.

*Special consideration may be provided to customers experiencing financial hardship.

Financial Hardship Policy

Customers experiencing financial hardship may be entitled to special arrangements from NewVo. For more details, download our financial hardship policy here, or contact NewVo on 1300 993 214

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